Tuesday, April 14, 2009

About that DHS report 'Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political
Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment
' (good analysis here):

My take is that it is not something that has been in the works since before Obama was elected (as postulated at LGF). It's a nine page throwaway 'intel' report that I could make in about 2 hours. I think the new DHS folks cranked it out as cover of a sort for a wide range of criticism of the Obama administration (from abortion and gun control, to immigration and veterans). Anyone that criticizes the Obama administration on any issue mentioned here is instantly tarnished as a 'rightwing extremist', with an easy reference to this 'document'. I'd call it politics at it's worst.

Blame me for adding to the 'hyperventilation in the right-wing blogospher (LGF quote)', but that's how I see it.


At 14/4/09 21:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say the analysis referenced above is spot-on. There's no doubt that the DHS report is biased and politically motivated in my mind. The assumptions, scant evidence, and lack of objectivity make a mockery of the trustworthiness of government. It is very similar to the twisting of facts given under testimony by the BATFE regarding the source of firearms for the Mexican cartels. The conceit demonstrated by officials in the highest levels of the current administration that the U.S. public would believe Mexican cartels would get 90% of their weapons, and pay top-dollar to-boot, for semi-automatics was deceitful at least. Why risk a border smuggling operation for overpriced inferior firepower when you can pay less for fully-automatic REAL assault weapons? Or better yet, take the U.S. manufactured weapons from the 100,000 or so Mexican army defectors. This lie has already been debunked; folks like Sen Feinstein and Secretary Clinton deliberately distorted the BATFE testimony for their political maneuverings. The truth was that 90% of the TRACEABLE weapons (those with serial #s) come from the U.S. equating to 17% of the total seized in Mexico last year (as per the Mexican Attorney General). Now we receive this DHS report full of conjecture and biased (lack of)analysis. When do we get government for the PEOPLE back from these career power-mongers? --Citizen K


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