Sunday, March 01, 2009

Did you see the British PM call for a world-wide New Deal? This whole concept of tax the top 30% to death to pay for all kinds of social welfare for the bottom 30%, and fund the government jobs of the other 30% (I need to credit who I got that from: working on that) WILL NOT WORK. That top 30% will stop working so hard, since the government is going to take most of it. Then where will you be?

The flip side is free market capitalism, and freedom and liberty (ie low taxes and non-intrusive government) for ALL the people. Then those top 30% work their butts off because they get to reap the rewards of all their risk and hard work. But the gov. gets increased revenue because there is overall higher GCP and more folks making more money. More folks have jobs so less welfare is needed. The pie keeps getting bigger. Lets try that instead of this crazy idea that the economic pie is static, and we have to cut it up differently. You love to have 10% of $1million instead of 10% of $100k wouldn't you??


At 2/3/09 14:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear ya! It is really NOT that hard, maybe this is where a little "experience" would have come in handy..... Government has quite a reputation of ruining the best laid plans - is it really such a good idea to give them more infuence over our income?


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