Friday, February 27, 2009

General Pelosi

Pelosi clarified her concerns after Obama announced the plan at an event Friday at Camp Lejeune , North Carolina .

"As President Obama's Iraq policy is implemented, the remaining missions given to our remaining forces must be clearly defined and narrowly focused so that the number of troops needed to perform them is as small as possible," Pelosi said in a press release. "The president's decision means that the time has come at last for Iraq 's own security forces to have the prime responsibility for Iraq 's security."

On what basis does Pelosi claim to be a military expert? You don’t define a mission with a requirement to use as few troops as possible. You define your objectives, and then tailor your force to accomplish that objective. If you have insufficient resources, then you do risk analysis and control to figure out how to accomplish the mission with reduced resources. But it is putting the cart before the horse to say ‘You can have X troops in Iraq : now figure out what they are going to do since that’s all you get.’ We have a bit of a luxury of having more than enough resources for the missions we want to accomplish there, so why put an arbitrary limit on the resources? Only for political reasons I see. As evidenced by the planned drawdown already in effect, the mission requires fewer troops as the situation improves. But Pelosi should be asking the question ‘How many do you need?’ rather than dictating ‘this is what you are going to get’. That is just asking for disaster.

Or you can ask for disaster like Mr, Hopenchange himself, who has laid out a timetable for our withdrawal. That's called TIPPING YOUR HAND. Now Iran, Syria, and all the remaining Al Queda in Iraq folks know to just hang out until 2011 when we leave, then it's GAME ON! (on the poor Iraqi's that were just starting to believe we were there for the long haul and would see them through this).


At 2/3/09 09:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job brother!! I like your site, now we'll have to get you a .com and move you off of blogspot...


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