Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just had to write some more!

CNN had Obama front and center today, because of his address to Congress last night: Alan Silverleib's article "Analysis: Obama Takes 'Morning in America' Mantle". The article stated:

" 'Morning in America' was the theme of Ronald Reagan's 1984 re-election campaign,
and it was front and center in Obama's most critical event since Inauguration Day.

The president who has pledged to reverse much of Reagan's economic revolution
took a page from the 40th president's playbook in his 52-minute speech, striking
a defiantly optimistic tone that belied the nation's sour mood...

Obama's first speech to Congress amounted to a political tour de force. He proposed
what many claim is a complete overhaul of the country's economic foundation while
ripping his conservative predecessors for transferring 'wealth to the wealthy'..."

Oh, where to begin!? How can Obama be another Reagan if he pledges to 'reverse much of Reagan's economic revolution'? We've obviously had economic prosperity since Reagan's 'economic revolution', so if it was successful, why reverse it?

A good speech does not a great president make. Obama can talk nice, and I think he purposefully speaks in conservative terms. But look at his actions, for that is what makes the man. He wants to raise taxes, during a recession even! He thinks government action will turn the economy around, rather than the dynamic hard work of entrepreneurial spirit of Americans.

And how about the line 'transferring wealth to the wealthy'? We always hear that from liberals: 'Tax cuts for the wealthy is redistributing wealth'. How is a tax cut redistributing ANYTHING? That money is the earners, not the governments. If you give me a tax cut, I am keeping MY money. That has ZERO impact on you and your wealth. And besides, as Neal Boortz says, how many people work for a poor person? It's those wealthy people providing all those jobs. They should keep more of their money so they can keep creating jobs.

I think too many Americans think the government has a right to other people's money ('the wealthy'), that those wealthy people 'owe' others in the country something. Well, they don't owe anyone anything. They earned that money, it's theirs alone, and they can do with it as they choose. Put yourself in their shoes: we're all the same anyway, it's just a matter of scale. If you get a tax cut, that's not the government GIVING you money, you're KEEPING your money. Too many people have been bamboozled by the tax system, and think 'taxes' are the final number they owe or get back. They forget that through withholding they paid alot more than that final number. But either way, getting 'money back' isn't the government GIVING you new funds anymore than it is for a wealthy person. The government is just returning money they took from you earlier.

Oh, countering this kind of thinking gives me a headache sometimes. What do all these people have against success?


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