Thursday, February 26, 2009

Check out James Carville's article on CNN. He rants about Republican governors (Jindal, Barbour, Sanford) committing grave errors by refusing the expanded unemployment benefits in the Porkulus package. How dishonest can Carville get? He pointedly does not explain WHY they are refusing the offer from DC, so YOU will jump to the conclusion that they are just mean-spirited, evil Republicans who hate poor people and would be happy for them to just starve to death.

But NO, that is not why they are refusing them. Here's why, from the Governor's website:

"The Governor said the state will not use a portion of the stimulus package that requires the state to change its law to expand unemployment insurance (UI) coverage to qualify for up to $32.8 million of the federal stimulus funding because it ultimately would result in a tax increase on Louisiana businesses. Qualifying for the $32.8 million provision is a precondition for being considered for another $65.6 million of federal unemployment insurance funds in the federal package, which would also require permanent changes to Louisiana law and additional annual spending.

According to the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC), based on claims filed during 2008, the $32.8 million would run out in under three years and from that point on, the state would be required to pass along the cost of more than $12 million a year for supporting this expansion of benefits to Louisiana businesses.'

Why couldn't Carville be honest and just say that? It seems clear to me that increased taxes would be a bad thing, even three years hence. And even if you just said, 'Well, the state could just change it's laws back when the money runs out,' you KNOW everyone would scream and holler when the state tried to reduce eligibility for unemployment benefits.

Why is anyone entitled to money form the state when they are out of work anyway? Just asking...


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